11-09-2014 // 5,274 lượt xem
ETCHING TIGOLD: Application: Architectural decoration, luxury doors, elevators decorating, metal tank shell, ship building, decorated inside the train, as well as outdoor works, advertising nameplate, the ceiling and cabinets, aisle panels, screen, the tunnel project, hotels, guest houses, entertainment place, kitchen equipment, light industrial and others.
10-09-2014 // 4,367 lượt xem
Product Type: Stainless Steel Sheet Hairline Ti-Golden Colored Stainless Steel Sheet
03-03-2015 // 4,167 lượt xem
Stainless Steel Sheet HL, NO.8, HL TIGOLD, NO.8 TIGOLD, NO.8 TIBLACK, NO.8 ETCHING...
13-02-2015 // 3,882 lượt xem
20-06-2015 // 4,088 lượt xem
STAINLESS STEEL COLOR SHEETS SS 304 1 x 1219 x 2438 mm